Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Eng 125 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eng 125 - Term Paper Example However, readers often fail to understand the experience of the literature and find it difficult to grasp the concept, for this they need to know the approaches and forms of literature that they are going through. Connecting what is being read to what is being experienced can be challenging and this is what the text explains us. It is more interesting because it gives the understanding and knowledge of the different forms of literature that most of the readers do not understand while going through the literature. It is evident that fewer people have interests in poems and plays as they are the ones who understand the framework, for others, this text is very interesting as it tells about the forms to help them understand the literary work that they read. The introduction about the genre, imagination, experience and the humor gives an interesting aspect to the reader of this text (Massi, ?2001). As outlined in this chapter, the approach of the reader should be present in order to exper ience the literary work. There are several ways to approach the literary criticism. Literary criticism means analyzing, understanding and interpreting what is being expressed. A reader is the critic and he can analyze the literary work only when he understands and experiences the work. In order to interpret and examine a story, poem or play the approach that the reader will use is the reader-response approach. In order to get into the journey of literature which means the reader has to connect to what is being said, analyze it by considerations and draw conclusions by the help of his response. The reader has to find a personal link to the literature especially the poetry or play. The reader-response approach is the most popularly used approach in literature (Trace, 2002). The story, poem or play is often fictional and uses themes which relate to the author’s viewpoint and so readers often find it difficult to understand or experience. The journey to literature is connecting t he imagination of the author to one’s own imagination. Since the reading of a story, poem, or play drags the reader to an imaginary world, leaving behind the situations of the world in which the reader is breathing and living to an imaginary world created by the author. In order to apply the reader-response approach for such literary works, it is important for the reader to connect and relate the literature to their real lives and their own imaginations so that they can find a specific aspect of the work. In order to create an analytical essay about the story, poem or play, the reader must make sure he is vigilant towards the questions that what captured his interest, what feelings did he get, did it connect to his life, how does it relate to other works, what is the motivation to connect to this literary work and did this connection enhance understanding of new things. This approach may be challenging as the story, poems and plays are written in the author’s viewpoint . The reader must give away his surrounding world while experiencing the literature in order to analyze and connect to it. Moreover, to experience these forms of literature, the reader must have the intention to turn himself to the imaginary world which is described. A critical response to the stories, poems and plays of fiction need full concentration. Connecting and experiencing the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

A New Day in Old Sana'a Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A New Day in Old Sana'a - Essay Example Ines is much more humble and genteel than Bilquis. Ines paints ‘nagsh’ (scrolls made of black henna dye) on other women for a living. Tariq, on the other hand, is Sana’a royalty—of the upper class. He is under familial obligation to marry a woman he does not love. Though the story is told in a simplistic manner, after having seen American films, it gets confusing in some places. Loose ends don’t seem to tie together and resolutions seem to come to easy and too fast as the story builds toward the usual ending. For example, the story of Riva, the Indian teacher who spanks the spoiled and insolent sister of Bilquis on the hand with a ruler seems an almost unnecessary part of the story until the very ending when the narrator brings us back to his world—on the outside looking in. It all boils down to whether Tariq will choose to do the right thing and marry the chosen bride, or go away with the woman Ines. It seems an easy choice once he discovers Ines loves him, too; but the ending is a classic tragedy. We are left with a sense that he really doesn’t have a choice or a say in the matter. Either way he decided, someone’s life would be ruined. Had he run away with Ines, his pledged bride would be hurt and ruined for life. Though the movie never lets us know if he â€Å"came to love† his wife or not, we do know that there is the eternal triangle: A wife with a husband who loves someone else, a man married to a woman he does not love, and the woman who was left alone to wander the streets at night waiting for him, how long? Forever? The historical context of the film is what many have come to know as still the norm in the Middle East—veiled women in public, men who consider the women lower than animals, and old traditions that die hard and leave modern women wondering just why these women subject themselves to such treatment? What seems old